Monday, February 14, 2011

Web Targeted Traffic is Easy with This Revolutionary Automated SEO Website Targeted Traffic Software

Web Targeted Traffic is so Quick and Easy with this Revolutionary new Brute Force SEO EVO PRO Website Traffic Software!

I have been very excited for the release of Brute Force SEO EVO PRO. I have been waiting for this web targeted traffic software to come out since it was announced. I have been an avid Brute Force fan for over a year now and this is my review of the new version.

From the first affiliate promotion I have completed so far, all I can say is "Wow!". I have tried other SEO website targeted traffic software and nothing came close to Brute Force SEO EVO PRO, this website traffic software is simply amazing. It has blown all other SEO web targeted traffic software away by far. Nothing comes close to the ease of operation and the raw power that this software produces.

First of all, to get any web targeted traffic to your sites you have to have them on page one of the search engines. The top three is best and number one is king! With Brute Force EVO PRO I was able to reach several top spots for my affiliate promotion and I enjoy lots of free traffic and sales every day. I don't spend a dime on pay per click.

This website traffic software does everything to rank your websites fast. You don't even need to understand how or why, you just fill in the blanks and let 'er rip! Your first time using the software you have to create all your static accounts. These are YouTube, Facebook, Digg, RSS aggregators, articles directories, etc. But, you don't have to do this manually. The software actually goes to the websites, fills out all the information and then goes into you email and confirms all the accounts for you! Talk about easy!

Once you have completed that, you are ready to go. Just enter a user name (any name), enter your websites URL, RSS feed and the keywords. If you have articles you can loan them in, if not the software can pull articles off the internet to use for you. It will post videos to all the top video sites, submit articles to the article directories, create a bunch of free web 2.0 blogs and more. Then, it mashes up all the rss feeds and submits all of those to the RSS aggregators getting your backlinks indexed fast!

To top that off, it posts your links to Angelas backlinks on full autopilot! If you have ever used her packets before, you know how long this takes to do manually. You have to go to each website, create an account, go to your email and verify your address and then go back to the site and post your links. This website targeted traffic software does all that! It fills out all captchas and goes into your email to confirm your accounts.

Seriously, if you want to get your websites ranked fast in all the search engines, this is the real deal. Nothing can do what this software can do with only 5 minutes of your time! Imagine how many websites you can promote (especially if you have your own SEO business) in such a short time period.

What used to take you days or weeks will now take 5 minutes.

To check it out, just click on the links below. Brute Force's EVO PRO will not fail you! You can test drive it for a week for just one dollar....So why aren't you doing that right now?

To get in on the free trial of brute force seo evo 2, just visit this web targeted traffic link now!

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